Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 3, 2011


Two years ago, when inflation was still low, student's meal was pretty full with meat or fish. But now many students have only vegetable or  others eat instant noodle instead of  food daily. Student's meal is just one of many influences of inflation to their life.Infact, inflation affected to student'life about their living,their study and their spirit.

Student's living become more difficult because of rapidly rising price.With small amount of support money from their parents,students hard to live well.The cost of living is rising and students's quality of life is lower.Meal is a change which we can see clearest.How student can buy meat or fish with high price,nearly 100.000 VND /kg.Because of that,they use vegetable or even instant noodle instead of daily food.Besides,rent-house electricity,water fee are all increase.To have a good flat in this time is rather difficult for students.Therefore,they have to live in small,old,bad condition flats,sometimes they have a lot of uninvited guests like insects, mouse.Moreover,monthly student must pay for electricity, water with high prices, depending on the price stipulated by the landlord.Eating not enough nutrients,living in bad condition flats also caused students's health. Learning requires pretty much work of the mind so if lack of nutrients,students hardly to focus on.The higher infltion is,the lower standard living students have.

Inflation also greatly affect to students's studying.Because of rising of the cost of living,many family can not support for their children well.The school fee,books,study tools are all increase.How students can absolutely focus on study if they eat not enough nutrition,lack of money to buy books,study tools.Doing part time job is the best solution for a lot of students.They can both learn and do part time job as a tutor,a waiter or a baby sister,etc.However,spending a lot of time to earn money that affects a lots to their health as well as their study.After hard study period,they continue to do part time job and come back their rent house in tired.And they may be fail in the final exam.

Not only affect to students's living and study,inflation also affect to their spirit.With a lot of students,to support for their study is not easy.Parents have to worry and work rather hard.Especially,in the context of high inflation with the rapidly rising of everything,they have more difficult.A lot of students are broken heart to receive value money from hard hands of their parents.How can they do not love as well as worry about their parents.Some students even think that they are a burden for their parents.They do their best to study,others do part time job;however,the others can not focus on study and they drop school.May be there are hardly to happen some cases like that if the inflation not happen which the cost of living is not too high.And students not to worry too much and can focus on their study.

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 3, 2011


Broad statement:
The higher inflation is,the more affection our society have. According to Viet Bao,in the first two month of 2011, index of consumer prices increased rapidly (3,3%)  contain   the increasing of food, transportation and communication,education.Living of poor laborers, farmers, retired, and salaried people greatly affected, the quality of life deteriorated.One of the classes effected most is students who receive support from family therefore they have to deal with a lot of cost of living.So,what students should do to face up with the fast and high increasing of inflation.
2  years ago, when inflation was still low, student's meal was pretty full with meat or fish. But now many students have only vegetable or  others eat instant noodle instead of  food daily. Student's meal is just one of many influences of inflation to their life.Infact, inflation affected to student'life about their study,their health and their pressure.
Every year many students drop out of school. There are many reasons  for this: they do not have passion,not have enough patient or others were suspended.However, one of the most common causes of  this problem is about finance.A lot of family can not support for their children because living and studying in a big city is not easy.This problem  is more popular because of rapidly increasing of inflation.Everything is rising,the cost of living is higher.Therefore to avoid not be dropping school,students should try to dealt with inflation by controlling money reasonable,decreasing unnescessary buying and doing part time job.

Mai calls her mother:’’Mom ,please send me 300.000 VND”.
Her mother said:”I just sent you 500.000VND  two weeks ago how did you spend?”

_”You know,because of high inflation,everything is rising,i even can not buy meat.”
_”I am sorry,I have not received my salary yet but take it easy, I will borrow your uncle"
Students's life become more difficullty in the context of high inflation .The cost of living is rising,the price is increase day by day.How can students deal with  this problem?This is really hard but if students know how to manage their money,cut unnescessary buying and doing part time job,they can face up with high inflation.


Topic sentence:Inflation is increase rapidly and everything is rising.That affect a lot to students's life about their living,their study and their spirit.

  • affect to students's living:
_price of consumer increase : food,goods,rent house,electricity,water,transportation fee,etc in a high price.That make students as well as their families have a lot of trouble about finance.The quality of life decrease.
_do part time work to support their families.that make them tired and not concentrate to study.
  • affect to  students'studying:
_school fee increase.So students and their family under the pressuse of finance.There have a lot of  students drop out of chool.
_studying-tools as well as books are really expensive.Lack of condition to study.
  • affect to students's spirit
 students worry and can not concentrate in study because they think that they are a burden for their parents.
high inflation make a lot of difficult to student's living as well as their studying.