Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 4, 2011


With a lot of people, teenage is a beautiful and dreamy age with a lot of colorful memory. However, frightening and terrible age is also using for a number of teens in recent years. That is the consequence of violence in high school which is increasing more serious and dangerous. More and more teens tend to use violence, not only beating, punching, pulling hair, they use even sticks, knives to attack their rival. This problem is not self appear, it is the result of the need of expressing of teens, the bad behavior of parents and  the harm from entertainment sources.

First, teenagers use violence to express themselves. Some students express by hard study to reach the high score or by singing, by drawing; in contrast others use strength to make them ‘famous’. They bully classmates, the younger although that people do nothing. Sometimes, someone is beaten causes he or she has an unfamiliar look, a style cloth, mordern hair or with ones do not allow someone to copy their test,etc.  There are thousands of unnomal reasons for using violence of teens. Teenage- the developing age about building, psychology, realization so teens want to learn and discover the new things around them.They want 'make noise', want everybody pay atention to them, want to be admire through horrified. At home teens can be a good child; however they become an absolutely different person at school, society whom a lot of people must be frightened. They are already to use violence with anyone to prove their strongth, their authority.So, it is easy to lose the address if they do not have any direction, teaching from the older. However, some adults are the bad example for teen by killing, harassing for bribes or telling lies. All of that have great affect to teens ;as a result they show that problem through their behavior, their action and violence is one of serious showing. In other word, violence is one way for teens to show their authority.

Behavior of parents is one great factor leads teens ‘violence. According to the last survey of Tuoi Tre newspaper, 63% teens are violent causes by parents. Some teens are violent to 'make noise' with their parents because they are too busy to care and interest to their children .Teens fed of with parents ‘caring way by giving money, without caring their study, their feeling and their thinking. They even think that they are abandoned so they are violent with others to make noise with parents. Therefore, if parents really take care of their children in a right way, violence in their children 'behavior will be considerable decreased. Another cause is self -parents are the violent example which lead their children use violence with others. I have a girl friend, her father is a violent person who always solves problem by using violence, even with her mother and her. In her home, she shows nothing, avoids the violent father and always lives in scared . However, she is a different person who absolutely likes her father when she is in school. She beats the weaker, the younger and feel satisfied for that.She believes that is an effective way for her to take away the weakness as well as to revenge the violent father. Parents normally set an great example for their children; however, some bad parents make children grow up with their bad model. Every parent should behave well to reduce violent bihavior of their children.

Bad entertainment-sources also lead to teens ’violence.  More and more violent films are showed on TV although they are carried out under the governmental control. As a result, violent films gradually come into teens ‘mind and shown by violent action. Besides, game online is aslo causes teens 'violence. Characters in game online kill, fight each other cruelly but a lot of teens take all of their time for playing game. Playing game online too much makes teens themselves want to become those characters. And they show that wish not only in game, but in real life with their friend or even their family. Last month, i am so astonished with a article of  the boy's crime on Tuoi Tre newspaper. Because of not having money to play game, he cruelly killed his mother to steal money.It is shown that bad entertainment sources directly affect to teens 'behavior. In this developing age, teens all want become their idols in film, game but hardly to realize what the right is and what the wrong is. Therefore, a lot of bad characters 'behavior, action cause teen become more violence. Those are typical consequence of bad entertainment-sources leading to teens ’violence.

In short, bad entertainment-sources, parents 'behavior and demand to express themselves cause teens's violent behavior.Knowing these causes helps parents, teachers can prevent violence of their children.Do not let little children lose their address and become bad, violent people.

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 4, 2011


 Viet Nam-the diversified culture country which is combined of fifty four nationalities.Every nationalities has own a different tradition culture with a lot of colorful celebration.Especially,with ethnic minorities, their celebrations not only very original but aslo really enjoyable. One of them  is the Rice God worship of Ma peoples which is called YANGKOI by their language. Ma is an ethnic minority living in Dinh Quan and Tan Phu district,Dong Nai province.In a year,Ma peoples have a lot of celebrations; however YANKOI is always considerd the most important and Rice God is the most miraculous God in their spirit. This original celebration  is organized to show their deep gratitude to Rice god who give them a great crop. It usually takes place on February or March in the Lunar year depending on the day Ma peoples finish their harvest. In this celebration,Ma peoples worship Rice God and together eat and play through night.YANGKOI is prepared about four day before begining.

To make YANGKOI ready,Ma peoples always prepare some necessary presents. First, Ma men go to forest to cut down some bamboos which must be high, straight  and bring them at the houseyard. Then they choose two young, straight, 3 to 4 met  bamboos and split the summit of trees into braches. Next, they decorate them by putting a bunch of 'gai may' which symbolize for rice flower at the middle of each tree.Finally, they wind colorful cords around the body of trees and a lively symbol of a goat making by bamboo strings is added. After that they hide bamboos on the ground in front of houseyard.Beside that, Ma women prepare a small rice bowl and a cup of Can alcohol. Depending on economy condition Ma peoples prepare chicken, duck, goat's meat or port, beef. They do not forget to clean the altar and decorate them with a new cjoss-stick bowl and a bowl of sailt. Coming these village in this time, we all live in an bustling and joyful atmosphere of each one, each house.

In the morning taking place YANGKOI, Ma peoples perform traditional rituals. First, they put a bowl of rice in the bunch of 'gai may' flower and put a cup of Can alcohol at the foot of each bamboo which are prepared in the previous day.Then they put meat, alcohol on the altar. At last, they start to worship. In a village, on behalf of all members the theeldest man will worship at the tradition house. In private house, the owners can worship by themselves or invite officants.They  prostrate Rice God and pray with a rhythm contain: '' Oh, Rice God, rice under water, rice under muddy. Let's come my home to eat chicken, eat duck with me. I pray Rice God  give me a victory crop,etc''.While Ma people worship, they open all doors to invite Rice God.

When night coming, the celebration is really interesting. All villagers together enjoy eating, drinking Can alcohol, singing, dancing in the bright moonlight. A lot of heathy men play the pan-pine whose melody is very smooth, peaceful. Mixing in this melody is the sweet voice of pretty women .For tradition, it lasts during 3 days, even all week. This is the chance for Ma peoples express their grateful to Rice God and enjoy themselve after a hard crop.

Although scale, rituals of YANGKOI are more simple than in the past, this celebration is always the most important which express their original spirit as well as their gratefuf to RiceGod.

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 4, 2011


Who are called global citizen? How meaningful of becoming global citizen? Global citizen is people who have warm heart to encourage, share and help other.That is very significant with unlucky destiny who are disabled, poor, sick, homeless. Because they need other people 'sharing and helping to help them break the wall of complex. Living and bringing happiness for other people is also for ourselves.So, it is very important to become a global citizen.Becoming a global citizen is based on the attitude of ourselves and our attitude with other. Everyone can become a global citizen if we are dynamic to open and connect,empathic with unlucky destiny and have a right awareness.

To become a  global citizen, the first important quality is we are dynamic to make goal in life.That means we are open, confident as well as having hoping,patience to make ourselves better.Vietnamese as well as Asian people are usually shy and lack of confidence in crowded. we are ourselves can not find power, so how we can give power for others who are unlucky and need a help.Therefore,we have to prove to the world that we are little Asian in appearance but not little in spirit.For example, professor Ngo Bao Chau- the  first Vietnamese was awarded Nobel price about mathematic. He is a shining example for us to follow. Try doing anything we think to know exactly our real ability is better than afraid to pull it out of our mind and never reach a goal in life. When we firmly stand,we can connect others to give others what we have such as hoping,patience or only a warm smile.Especially,the youth should dynamic more and more to become open, active and make connection with people around us and even in the world.We all want introduce our country, our culture,our people with the foreigner to make them know Vietnam- that is our country! All of that require us dynamic to improve ourselves.

Another important qualities to become a  global citizen is empathy. Having empathy  when we have warm heart to understand and share with other 's unfortunate things. Not everyone are lucky in life; beside healthy people,rich people, happy people,there are a lot of people who are handicap, poor, sick, homeless. We feel deep grief  to witness children  in Africa who suffer hungry,poor, illiterate, or even HIV/AIDS.We are astonished to know a lot of Japanese died of earthquake, tsunami disaster. In our country, every day we meet a lot of handicap people who try to sell lottery under the heat of sunlight. Every rainy season, there have a thousand people in our middle country lose their house, their family because of storm, flood. Moreover, when we are peaceful in our house at a cold night, there still have a lot of the homeless. How can they survive without  a shelter? How painful that unlucky people have to suffer.Therefore, we-lucky people should open our heart to share, help, empathize with unlucky destiny. That is humanitarian which everyone should have in life.Maybe some people think that they can not empathize with other 'pain because they do not have enough condition to help others.However,instead of doing great thing for other as we ever thought, we sometimes only have small action like helping the elderly pass the crowded street, giving up our seat to handicap people or giving a hard lottery seller an encourage warm smile. All of that we think rather simple,nevertheless have to origin from our heart with a real sympathy.

The last important quality is we have a right awareness.That means we ourselves  have to aware everything in  life that we should or should not do. Last week, i saw a man whose appearance showed that he was a rich, polite, awareness  person; in contract, he was not. He sat in state in his expensive new car and threw the Pepsi can, which he just drank on the street.Our environment is destroyed seriously because of some action like that. The earth is getting warmer, hypothermia is happening in a lot of area and cause disaster like storm,earthquake, flood,etc.Moreover, there are a lot of people die of poorness, hungry, sickness and war. May be they do not have to die if everyone help and share with their problem. They need our help to survive and overcome unlucky destiny. Having right awareness to realize that we can give hand to save other 's destiny. Maybe by we can send other money if  we are rich, if not we can send them food, clothes, books or even send them our warm smile. Our environment, our living as well as other 's living will be better if we ourselves have right awareness.

In short, to become a  global citizen we should be dynamic to open and connect, sympathy with other by all our warm  heart,beside have a right awareness to aware what we should do. I believe that with love start from our warm heart we can become a  global citizen to share and help other people.