Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 12, 2010

narrative essay: MY MEMORY EVENT

The time has passed but i hardly to forgot a bad ,also a significant event that change my charateristis. Before this i  was a hot tempered so i always made every thing in noise.However, when i was a second grade student i had a event that made me become a calm person.
That day my class had a physical period in school yard so we lay our bag in the large table inside class. Then we had lern and played together. At the class had finished,we came back class to took our bag while our parents were stood outside the schoolgate.Suddenlly i saw a boy was taking my new pink bag so i imediately ran before him.I though he stole my bag. With my hot tempered, i aked him: ''turn my bag for me!''.He opened his eyes roundly and rather suprised.I never mind about that, i thought serectly:'' his pretending as to play a hoax on me''.And i spoke louder:'' turn this or i would tell the teacher and you would be punished''.However,he did not admired and said that it was his bag.I could not keep calm anymore so i snatch the bag from his hand.I smiled in sleeve while he was crying loudly.I decide that was very easy for him. He not only remorse but thanks me for not tell the teacher. Suddenly, i heared the voice of Mai-a closefriend of my,she said that why i did not take my bag. I looked the bag in my hand which absolutely like that bag. I opened the bag and realized that did not my bag, that one was my. My body with burning hot as going in the fire flared up,my face got red. I wish there had a hole for me to evade.Finally, i apologized him which was not serious because he was really generous. Afterthat i came back my home with shyness.
 That is the precious lesson for me to change my charateristis.Since then i am never hot tempered and always keep calm to solve the problem.

Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 12, 2010


When i was a child never i have my own choice,i always do every thing in the opinion of my parents.Now i have grown up and the day i said my parents that i would lern karate which made a big surprise as well as a terrible angry of them. My parents are really stirck and traditional people.They prevent me from lerning karate because i am a girl and a girl must avoid coming to blows as a boy.Another reason is there have a lot of boys in karate class so my parents nervous that i have problem with them. However i determined keep my choice because i found a lot  of useful and interesting  in lerning karate.
The first reason i lern karate is that it makes me stronger and healthier.At 5.30pm everyday,instead lie down at home to watch tv, i go to karate class to do excercises. At first days i really feel tired but later i gradually get accustomed with them and my building is fitter with firm muscles.I realize that the more i have a strong body ,the more i have a clairvoyant mind.
Beside that karate is really interesting because it has spectacular excercises which not only have setle out of hand,strong but also lisson as well as require good skills.
The next reason is karate class helps me make more friend.Not only boys, in my class has a lot of girls, all of them are friendly and active which is a main charateristic of karate classes.
The other reason is the strong karate excercises helps me take away stress and sorrow. I really feel relax, and forget all the bad things of life.
Inshort, i think that i have a right choice. Lerning karate not only help me have a strong health, a clairvoyant but also more active.

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 11, 2010


Nowadays we have a lot of kinds of transportations such as  planes,cars,trucks,trains,boats,buses ,motorbykes, etc ;however,two main kinds transportations we usually use everyday are buses and motorbykes.They are rather necessary and important for us to travel. They are very different but also similar in some aspects.
Buses and motorbykes are the main transportations we use to travel everyday .Vietnamese use  motorbykes widely because they have alot of kinds and not too expensive to buy. Almost the families have at least one or every members has one. Like motorbykes, buses are aslo use every day.Like a lots others students i always catch buses to shool because they are realy cheap and easy to go. Besides that,both of them can run thanks to petrol but this is one of  main reasons make environmental pollution.
Despite their similarities,these transportation are different.Buses are less comfortable than motorbykes .Travelling by buses we have to suffer a lots of problem.For example,.a lot of people catch bus  so it is difficult to go up and go down especially with erderly, women and children. Everyone hustle in the midst of a press and sweat falling down which is really risky and waste of time.Another problem is we easy have pocket-picked on the bus. This is the where stealer can easy to take money, cellphones or value others because there have a lots people sit or stand rather close together.As soon as  the stealer took them, they go down and hardly to be find them. Besides that, with motorbike we can easy drive to blind alley  that buses only go on highway.In spite of that,travelling by buses is safer than motorbykes. According to reserching, Viet nam has the highest accident ratio caused by driving motorbykes in the world.A lot of the mortorbykes drivers run at high speed and hardly avoid having accident while the buses drivers are rather carefull. They keep the speed because they know that they are responsible for preserving life of alot of passengers.Moreover, travelling by buses make less polutted than motorbykes. If one person drives have one motorbyke instead of going together on the one bus ,which makes more pollution. Nowadays, environmental pollution is getting more serious so people are advised catch buses to decrease polluted gas. Buses are aslo cheaper than motorbykes which is convenient for people who are not enough money to buy a motorbyke or catch a taxi.
Inshort, both motorbykes and buses have similarities and differences about their advantages and disadvantages so we should choose the possible one to go depend on the intenerary we want to come.